Archive for June, 2007

home, something, home.

June 25, 2007

so back home now, one day i might post some more stuff about the trip, i did write a bit while traveling, and also some more when i got home. im feeling rather weird now tho, a little out of place. everything seems a little enchanced. im not sure weither its from the change of getting back home and into the work routine, or the chance to relax and pray and spend some time reading the scriptures again. i feel it might be a bit of both.

i think its reslessness im feeling, a need to get something done. i might of been complacent, really now i do feel an urgency, maby not in the global sense yet, but locally, yes.  like a drive to do something for something, for a greater cause. not just action for action. a piece in the greater plan. i feel as though something needs to be done. thought out, made.

i just got a gmail from mck, linking me to the new sp song played at the frist orange peel show. going to watch that now.

madrid, spain

June 13, 2007

im sitting in a really hot icafe in madrid, spain at the moment, went to a concert last night (some more info can be found here: ), and were going to be heading to valencia soon. mel is off with her friend somewhere and will be meeting us back here soon. i think im going to be working with the whole mix model, timelines are never really important anyway. we woke up at about 11 today and checked out of our hostel shortly after. Hostel Madrid. since we have found out that we picked a really expensive place to stay. and also where we shopped was really expensive too. this from a random meeting on the street. which is to say, as we were wondering somewhere mel saw someone she thought she know, and happened to be right. quite amasing really. so weve been taken to lunch and given language and other lessons. what an amazing “conicedince”, or something like that 😉 yesterday we didnt do much, just prepared for the show, and then at 1ish we took the metro to the show. which really is quite exciting. weve done metro in paris aswell now. its quite huge, to think of a complete transport system below the city. i guess from where we come from that is an alien concept. impressive none the less. anyways, after the metro, we poped out right at the right place, not 50meters from the area place. which you will find at quite a daunting building. from there we spent a good 3ish hours waiting around in the sun to get in. met a few cool people which we spend the whole time hanging around with too. on a side note, ive been meaning to get tour t-shirts for the past 2 shows and keep putting it off. i must get around to that next time.

ahh my screen is flashing: “Te queda poco tiempo de uso…” in big green letters, i think that means im out of time.

in singapore

June 5, 2007

so like im in singapore. melony is standing next to me trying to get the other free computer to work, but is having little luck. although i fail to mention that she got this one working and i stole it from her. ahh appeased. anywys, we have about an hour and a half before we leave from here, had quite a good day, managed to bargan, although a touch unsuccessful, but nevertheless obtained a camera. of which will be posting a nice photo diary on as soon as we can find an internet cafe that lets me plug my camera in. its a little after midnight here and still boiling hot, hrmmm.. looks like were about to head off to get a drink before passing on through customs. hopefully it will make that whole ordeal a little more pleasant. oh by the way, were heading to dubai now, its a 7hour flight, then after a 1hr or so stop were heading to paris on another 7 hour trip. all for now..