Archive for the 'job hunt' Category

a good morning

February 25, 2008

ok. so you will be pleased to know i am writing this from my room. where i have finially gained enough knowledge (or got lucky enough which may be more the case) to get my wireless working. and without ndiswrapper to boot!! pure bcm43xx baby!! I havnt tryed gaming yet, im hoping it is stable and for now it seems well enough.

secondly, which is almost first. i have not heard back from my latest job application. which is ok, since i only sent it in on saturday. very excited.

and last, which could be first also. an amusing story from sunday.

us: lets goto the beach

us: OK!

<we goto beach and swim etc>

us: we have swim for ages, lets get out now.

us: OK!

<we head to shore and walk to clothes/towel pile>

ed: oh by the way i covered our stuff in sand so it didnt get wet if it happened to rain.

life update

February 10, 2008

been busy installing kubuntu on this pc and getting everything working. just apache/php and minior sound driver touch up’s to go (audigy2 zs’s mic >< ). although the success list includes: wine->tf2/cs, amarok->, perl->(via dbi)mysql and a few other bits and pieces, eclipse, yakuake etc.

hrm.. trying very hard to get it working so i can resume work on various projects.

oh the job front, i applied for two more today, and one on friday. this one looks very exciting and i would be most pleased to get an interview for it.

ahh yes and were also confirmed to begin moving house on thursday. that means were having our flat cooling party here on friday. we have come up with a very exciting game aswell. basically a wheel of fortune type event. long story. hrmm.. i guess this is the place for stories tho eh.

well then. a few months ago at an op shop we picked up about 200 egg cups. and have since then been planning how to use them for the most awesome. something based on a shot night was always the plan. since then it has evolved, mostly in my mind, into this wheel of fortune type event. well setup a bar, with a spinny wheel etc. everyone has to bring one of the drinks from the list. (which we will be making in the comments here) and well try and assign people to particular things, so we dont get double ups.

so this friday. 123a the parade. island bay. much awesome. come prepared. for it is also kinda scary. some people are crasy.

more news as it is created. and since me and sach are at home all days there should be heaps!!

my first day at home proper.

February 5, 2008

and my hdd is like sooo in its death throws. i ordered a new one, but have just found out that it is a public holiday tommorow, so it prolly wont be here till thurs :S anyways, ed im using your pc. hope thats cool. man your keyboard is very intimidating to look at.

eds keyboard

but damn it is quite nice to type on eh. i see, apart from i guess lack of real need and lazyness, why you keep it.

anyway. the point. i have just applied for a new job! found it on trademe. for intermediate/senior php dev. quite almost my dream job. its here if you wanna check it. and guess what? i sent a cv annnnnd a cover letter!! eh eh.

i was wondering if i should post it so you guys could give me comments etc to make it better?

side note: had a good skate. slowly getting amped up to try and do proper handplants. scary.

****UPDATE (4:41)**** just got this back…

Hi Adam,
We really need someone who has at least a few years of experience customising CMS.  I am afraid that we currently do not currently have the capacity to mentor a junior developer at this time.  Therefore I am afraid that we can not offer you the developer position.
If you wish I can include you in our list of potential developers to contact should an appropriate position arise?
I would like to thank you for taking an interest in the position and making the effort of writing a good covering letter.
Kind regards,
awww. im a junior. but eh did you see that? he said my cover letter was good!! very awesome. i call this day a success.