Archive for the 'lol' Category

trademe woes

November 25, 2008

ok so i think i have created the worst auction ever.

Aratika Cook Strait Ferry – Collectors Spoon

this is its second listing and still hasnt had a single view!

so here is a shameless plug.

ps. yes, i have an office job now, and thus free time!!

a quote

August 1, 2008

“is donky kong a crogidle” – nina

one winters night

January 12, 2008

in a castle on a hill

mowing the lawns

January 12, 2008

last night we finally decided to mow the lawns. thanks mike and cherie.

ahh the morning.

January 7, 2008

so this is my second day of being officially quitted. 3 weeks and 3.5 working days to go!!

i wonder what im going to do.

quitting wasnt really as scary as i thought. its kinda nice really. new year, new start to things.

‘Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? ‘ – matt 6:25

oh and some lol for grg.

The best lol on the internet do battle (PICS)

December 20, 2007

This is so awesome. I could spend sooo long here. Its a great collection of funny images, vote for your favorite!!

read more | digg story

Awesome new funny website!

December 4, 2007

LOLBattle has finally launched in beta form! Check it out->

It is a site the compares funny images against each other in the effort to gain the most superior library. It needs you! Go, vote! and share you own collection. In the effort of becoming the highest ranked user.

something a touch ricey

November 7, 2007

today marks the first day of rice competition.

feeling currently: nicely. not hungry. maby a little thirsty.

thoughts on rice: not too bad. eager to eat some well cooked. white.

2 meals down.

fish water and social blogging.

October 28, 2007

sometimes i say things to gauge or even to entice a response, known or unknown out of people.

take for example the title of this post, and also the first sentence. this because it seems in reference to the fish water comment of the title, which in fact, it is not. it was merely a thinly disguised ruse to fool you into a semi comedical moment.

for while discussing fish water, this very morning, with my flatmate grg on our daily walk to work, i casually snuck out a reference to casual blogging. thus instantly receiving an opposed opinion. alas it happened to be the end of our walk, as out parting point was reached, nevertheless the ‘argument’ is interesting, although maby somewhat futile. as the context in which we both form our ideas is different and hence may not be directly compared. although i do feel you can argue some of the abstract points and so gain a shade of index between both stances.

purpose vs social. are they so different?

ps. the irony is that you just read a post about posts not of this nature, thus the first sentence applied the title, applies to this whole post now. how amusing.


October 18, 2007

been talking with my flatemate about St Thomas Aquinas’s ontological argument, in the end he was like ‘oh it was good but it didnt quite convince me, i dont agree but im not sure why’. romans 1:20 man! God does not care if you cannot fully construct a 100% rational argument or not. he says that from his creation he is revealed and apparently enough so that we are without excuse. lol. retort.