Archive for January, 2008

two days of work left.

January 30, 2008

ahh could a new saga be being born? very exciting.

hrm.. im not sure if i should of linked xkcd right before posting my very first comic.

oh well. he goes anyway:

whatever lady

..and some good news

January 30, 2008

“We are currently rehearsing for the new tour, and are working on 10-12 songs we haven’t played since reforming, spanning all periods of the band. We are hopeful to put together a completely new set for this arena tour that would feel a lot different from our 2007 shows.” — Billy

Rumors  are that Pumpkins are comming in a few weeks! very exciting!

so life eh

January 29, 2008

been writing this post for hours.

me and melony broke up last night.

not really sure what else to say.

umm.. i spent ages deciding to use ‘me &’ over ‘& I’.

first webcomic that made me laugh all day

January 28, 2008


January 24, 2008

ok just applied for a job. it really is quite scary. i suddenly feel so inadequate. guess i cant do anything about that now tho. time to wait.

note: still dislike cv’s, the archaic ‘present a person on paper’. although i cannot find a better more efficient soultion for mass application.


haha that was quick:


Thank you for submitting your resume to us.

Unfortunately your application for this vacancy has been unsuccessful. In this instance other candidates’  details more closely matched our client’s requirements.

Thank you for putting yourself forward.

yesterday and a warning

January 24, 2008

ok. first the warning. nobody play this game. it is ridiculously hard. (lvl 83 without juggling)

please take that seriously.

so was at avatar yesterday. went straight from work to the set. got home at 1-2ish. had a few hours sleep then back to work. just got the call for today and have to be on set again at 4. its going to be another long day.

note: jack the ripper – Morrissey. the 4th of the awesome ballads he does that i forgot.

right what was i saying.. oh yes. i got to ride in a helicopter!! soo cool. even though it was crane lifted, it was still pretty amazing.

that is one of the thing i had never done that i wanted too. now i know this isnt a full completion, but hey! its enough to be excited about.

two things

January 23, 2008

first. the proxies are playing at sanfran on friday. awesome.

second. free stuff. product feedback.

whilst walking around at lunch time with grg, we decided to go into banks shoes. grg’s shoes are a little scuffy, 7 months old and also have a minor hole in the toe bendy part. so we walk in. the attention is drawn to the shoes. the lady is not like whatever lady.  the shoes are inspected and one is claimed to be faulty. ‘what do you want to do?’ is asked. grg’s reply being ‘best case scenario i would like a new pair of shoes’. with oddly enough a look of relief on her face, she is off and within 2-3 minutes a new show soultion is put in place.

how awesome is this whole ordeal?

theory: people generally have no liability. (bell curving around store managers)

new plan: put in place the theory.

guidelines: only apply in abstract situations. negative example: returning a ‘bad’ coffee (there is a direct link). positive example: the letter opener guy with a stack of vouchers to give out.


January 22, 2008

lead bucket

^^lead is so massive.


January 21, 2008

a priest:

one authorized to perform the sacred rites of a religion especially as a mediatory agent between humans and God. (s)

you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. I Peter 2:5

through Jesus i am a priest. how exciting.

big road trip

January 21, 2008
all the pics are found here. i didnt take my camera into bdo tho. didnt want to carry it around. and rightly so. some of those pits were intense.

was just reading ed’s post about our 4 days. i really should of written something back then when he did. as being at work now i lack all required motivation.

some fun things to remember:

  • having a race with that van at the motorway detour traffic jam just outside of auckland. not that funny unless you realize that i just got out of the car and ran. highlight: walking down the grassy strip with ed and erin.
  • great sushi, seaweed salad and a pot of tea for breakfast the morning after bdo.
  • breathing underwater from bubbles in the spa at the de’brets. awesome:1, meningitis:0.

there were about 5 of us in the d entrance who almost died. it was quite difficult. lucy, matt and i were in there for about 40-50 minutes. grg was in just in front of us for most of it and ed, at the opposite entrance unseen by our party, managed to last the whole hour and a half. during this time many people were carried out whilst others fainted and some were even rumored to have seizures. crowd mentality took hold once whispers of motivation slowly circled the enthralled mob. ‘if you push harder they will open the gate’ ‘i heard that the steel they use is no match for our physical prowess’ ‘people cave under abuse, the louder and more vulgar we are the faster we can get in’ etcetera.
once shihad started all hope of the inner d dissipated and i left for the front of the second barrier and what looked to be multiple pits that were opening up. much to my delight there was and we made it it time. opening with wait and see iicrc.

amusing point: after the first song, one guy (after many) was sitting on top of the d entrance and _the_ man would not let jon sing until he dismounted. which he promptly refused and hilarity ensued. being the crowd hurling bottles and other miscellany at him.

more cool stuff, not enough time. maby later.