Archive for the 'hot sauce' Category

food news.

January 12, 2008

we had the dave’s meal. it was ok. not as hot as expecting. as you can see in this pic, i added heaps, in fact, far more than we’ve ever had before in.

pre daves

it was a basic tomato and something soup, and we just added 2 red onions and mushrooms. maby the sauce gets old? i suppose we have had it for a couple of years now.

anyways, this is the meal:

daves meal

quite yum. ed made a cucumber, mint yogurt thing for afterwards. although it didn’t really do the job, as all of us the following day paid quite well for our experience. the wine was a 2005 nevis bluff (otago) pinot noir.

last night we had a simple ramen dish. yum yum.


dinz got the bung stick again. hahah.

prelim to hot food comp.

January 8, 2008

it has been far far to long. i was considering just now buying some hot sauce, but then realized how long its been since we’ve had a meal with our ‘daves’. so i made a plan.

Tomorrow night, that is wednesday. we, being my flat, are having a preliminary night, a warm up up persay, to the hot food competition. This will most likely be a soup and bread meal. This is also an open invitation. We live in Island bay and most likely cant give you a ride over, but you are welcome to come, if you are interested. Probably eating around 8-9ish.

txt or comment here obviously (or just show up i guess).

hot food night

October 18, 2007

event: super hot food

structure: a competition

ok, now that i have your attention. i will state: awesome. this is going to be awesome. im not sure if we will get to have it in our current house, but it will be soon none the less.

the plan is this. to make multi (im thinking about 5 for a good mix of amazing and practical ness) meals, each one being hotter than the last. we have all the bowls in the lounge on the table, and we site around it on the couches. we start with the least, and each take an equal serving. if you cant finish your portion (in the time frame, like 5 mins or watever), you are out, and do not get to progress onto the next dish.

this idea is almost ready to do. i feel it maby could mature a little more. but generally, i think its going to rock.

  • need to decide on the type of food, all the same?
  • the way we will judge the hotness
  • are going be using different chilli or watever in each meal, or just progressively more(which i think is quite boring)
  • need lots of cooking stuff and plates and bowls or watever that all look the same
  • logistics of cooking, shall we have everone round before hand and all cook togther? (it might be cool, if we just get a small group of hardcore people)