Archive for the 'symfony' Category

new site.

August 20, 2009

so here is how it goes. I have been writing some stuff at work for the sites we build. and thought it would be best if I used the software myself so it gets tested more. thats the other half of the reason i havnt posted for years, to movtiate myself to finished the first release of the damn thing.

info can be found->

on my site:

and prolly some here too:

I did some work!! – sfContactGrabberPlugin

July 23, 2008

Today I released a plugin for Symfony, well, more of an update for an old broken one.

It feels quite good to finally give something back. You can find it here

It basically add’s those forms that you see all over the place on social networking esk type sites that allow you to grab contacts from your accounts in other places.

At the moment it’s only working for gmail and yahoo, but I might end up adding some more functionally in the future, all depending on how the current project im working on pans out.

symfony: No package found for database “” in generated-schema.xml

July 22, 2008

Ok so i was setting up a Symfony 1.0 project recently and was getting this error. It took me a while of poking around to figure out what was wrong. The error indicated a lack of database’y things and I had my empty one defined in databases.yml so i was stumped.

The error was this:

Execution of target “om-template” failed for the following reason: /usr/share/php/symfony/vendor/propel-generator/build-propel.xml:470:1: No package found for database “” in generated-schema.xml. The propel.packageObjectModel property requires the package attribute to be set for each database.
[phingcall] /usr/share/php/symfony/vendor/propel-generator/build-propel.xml:470:1: No package found for database “” in generated-schema.xml. The propel.packageObjectModel property requires the package attribute to be set for each database.

Basically what is happening, is that since I had one defined i also had to have one listed in the schema, even an empty one.. so

To fix:

add the following at the top of config/schema.yml:


^^^thats it.

I also heard you can also delete your schema.yml file, but i wouldnt recommend that, and im not sure if it would even work.

TIP: symfony, svn and the cache

March 31, 2008

I was planning self reminder notes about my journey with Symfony. So here is the first:

after a svn checkout (for the first time) (which is before you exclude the cache and log files (sudo svn propedit svn:ignore log) you have to change the permission’s on the cache else you get an error. So if you happen to see:

Unable to write cache file “/var/www/myproject/cache/frontend/dev/config/config_config_handlers.yml.php”

you need to do this: chmod -Rf 777 cache log