Archive for April, 2008


April 17, 2008

it hurts

so i hurt my foot at the gym. its quite suck. its been a few days and the lovely people around me have not stopped badgering me to goto the hospital or something. so caroll is going to take me now.

other than that, our new project will be up in the next week or so. <– at the moment its pointing straight to tead, hopefully this weekend we will be changing over.

ps. so so so close to pics for you ninass.

[UPDATE::] ok so got some x-rays, totally blew the whole mornings work tho having to wait at the hospital. did get some good physics lectures listened to tho.

[UPDATE2] oh yer it fine, they said to just rest etc. got a nice strap thing tho.

oh today

April 8, 2008

while deliberating on what to do today, i happened to run into two amusing news stories, so if your bored here and here will use some of your time.

gym tonight, exciting, although im still a little sore from running last night, planning to make some videos soon, which too will be exciting. I might wait a few weeks and then do a whole bunch. As well as the house tour ones for nina, which i keep forgetting about.

anyways, i really should do some work..

had something more awesome

April 2, 2008

but have been busy today. again. work is awesome. yay.

side note: man russians own the internet.

listening to:  Pillar of Davidson – Throwing Coper – Live