Archive for the 'life' Category

still around

March 13, 2008

working hard. very exciting. good to be learning again. just in time. almost confirmed.
will update soon when things are more settled.

(and tonight for you ed. [hopefully] )

so life eh

January 29, 2008

been writing this post for hours.

me and melony broke up last night.

not really sure what else to say.

umm.. i spent ages deciding to use ‘me &’ over ‘& I’.

holiday photobloging.

December 24, 2007

ok kinda forgot.

took photos tho.

so am going to put them up now.

got my hair braided or platted or something.


by my lovely aunt, as pictured below with me and mel.


snap! i only bought one shirt up. it was his duty to change!


anyways, will make more of an effort to get some more lifeyer pics and keep em daily!! good reminder grg.

ps/. beach looks fun.

oh oh i went for a skate at the palmy park today. it was awesome. and bought some awesome walnut and jobs tears tea!! very exciting.

ahh also my cd’s i ordered arrives. so i got mck to go round and break in and get them. he said the lounge window was open lol so he had an easy time and is bringing them up tommorow when he comes yay!! (he closed windows all up good afterwards.)

ummm. think thats all the news. saw lots of cool Christmas lights last night. hehe. almost felt american esk.  gosh i should really get to sleep. i just know my little sisters going to be up in like a few hours 😉


Naruto: epp 75

December 19, 2007

yup, thats where ive been. 75 epps. takes a while. makes you very tired.

i do realise that this is quite unproductive, and makes various other areas of life suffer.

but ninjas!!! (context: were watching season one while we wait for more s2 epps to be made)


ordered some Christmas presents from amazn on monday, hoping they would get here in time. (time being only this week left) and guess what? it looks like the insanely reducilus shipping costs they charge are paying off:

December 20, 2007 08:42:00 AM AUCKLAND NEW ZEALAND Completed customs clearance process
December 20, 2007 08:12:00 AM AUCKLAND NEW ZEALAND Arrival Scan
December 18, 2007 02:48:00 PM LOS ANGELES CA UNITED STATES Departure Scan
December 18, 2007 01:36:00 AM WILMINGTON OH UNITED STATES Arrival Scan
December 17, 2007 09:55:00 PM LEXINGTON KY UNITED STATES Departure Scan
December 17, 2007 08:13:00 PM Shipment picked up from seller’s facility

heres hoping it gets delivered tommorow!!

still need to find my dad a birthday present.

other than that and a general lack of motivation, it is sunny and i made some awesome ramen last night.

found some ada st photos for bex too.

condensing senses range unsparingly upon our meager intuition.

oh man what a week

December 16, 2007

have had a full on week. was quite busy.

it started sadly, with the breaking of lolbattle but then progressed into the fixing of lolbattle and a re-launch. not sure what broek it yet, but have a slight idea.  will try to not do that again!

so as the world drifted by, as the work piled up and dissipated, i sat in my quiet little shell, observing, yearning, existing. existenz.

on weds i went to be an extra on the movie Avatar, was quite cool, my first acting experience. there was about 300 of us, so im not sure if ill get into the movie. although one shot me and matt were standing directly behind Sigourney, so hoping that one will make it in. exciting.

the first day was 17 hours, the second 15ish and the third, saturday, was about 8.

on friday, after finishing at 3.30am, i woke up at 7ish and went to help a good friend move house, then straight to the set aftewards to resume ‘extraing’, which if you are unsure, is a lot of sitting around, eating and drinking coffee. although sounding luxurious, dont be fooled. it was hard work.

few cool things. James Cameron works quite hard.  Everyone on the set had amazing respect for him, he had a vision and went for it. He was nice to all of us, stopped to fill us in on whats happening and set the scene multiple times.

My favourite tho: Stephen.

very awesome actor. might be a little bias here, since he was the one doing most of the stuff we were watching, but still, that guy is cool. some awesome ad libbing and a sense of humor to boot. was very entertaining watching him work.

oh man, i really need to do some work. today is just slipping away.

bus talk

December 2, 2007

during our bus ride this morning me and grg discussed various ways to get shoes down from power/phone lines. using only the materials and resources that someone who would want the shoes would have.

had some quite good ideas actually. some more than others.

wouldnt it be cool to have a site with lots of good conversation stater’s? to be able to share good conversations with others, to always have some interesting point tucked away ready to be pulled out at a moments notice.

it wouldnt be ok right? like i do see the pros and cons here. but overall, it would be kinda cool. If we can use it in moderation, for one could see a dependence forming, i think it would be quite awesome, on the whole 🙂

moving house

October 30, 2007

were moving house this week. we got the keys last night. we have basically half of this building. the top right two rooms you can see (3 rightmost windows). there is like 4 rooms and a bathroom upstairs tho, as aswell as a sunroom type thing (that we will make into a computer room). plus a lounge, a dining room and kitchen downstairs. awesome. its in island bay aswell. so like 10 min walk to the beach or a 2 min drive. awesome!

new house

fish water and social blogging.

October 28, 2007

sometimes i say things to gauge or even to entice a response, known or unknown out of people.

take for example the title of this post, and also the first sentence. this because it seems in reference to the fish water comment of the title, which in fact, it is not. it was merely a thinly disguised ruse to fool you into a semi comedical moment.

for while discussing fish water, this very morning, with my flatmate grg on our daily walk to work, i casually snuck out a reference to casual blogging. thus instantly receiving an opposed opinion. alas it happened to be the end of our walk, as out parting point was reached, nevertheless the ‘argument’ is interesting, although maby somewhat futile. as the context in which we both form our ideas is different and hence may not be directly compared. although i do feel you can argue some of the abstract points and so gain a shade of index between both stances.

purpose vs social. are they so different?

ps. the irony is that you just read a post about posts not of this nature, thus the first sentence applied the title, applies to this whole post now. how amusing.

camp and stuff

October 14, 2007

awesome, just found a pic from our bogan party at camp a few weeks back

bogan party, us


ohh yer and had turkish on friday with george. which sucked, as i ordered garlic yought on my iskender without even thinking. totally forgot. i managed to scrape most of it off. but still. stink!

im not sure if i have been feeling any better or worse energy wise. although i have noticed i need to eat more balanced meals. as if i eat a few plain/non diverse meals in a row i tend to feel a little not so good.

listening to: Motet pour les confesseurs à 4 voix avec simphonie

^^ quite awesome.

3 day vegan and tea.

October 7, 2007

awesome! this is officially day three!! i have learnt a good many things this vegan journey. the biggest would be all the foods that are non vegan. which, just on a side note, is like most of them. each of my first days there was one thing that disqualified myself form the full success title. thus, on sunday before the vege market shopping, my flatmates took me to the organic shop. (the one by chafers newworld) and i managed to get some pasta and bread, aswell as some egg replacer. oh oh, we did get some soymilk on saturday after frisbee. choclate, vanilla and a couple of normals. umm, its so good. so good. (thanks again baliwhat)

oh man, had an awesome tea party on sunday after blueprint. oh on that note. blueprint was awesome last night too. met Anthony Walton, and i think it was his brother, who was speaking. Was about Grace. had a little clip from Les Mis, and a totally spoiler if you hadnt seen the movie 😛 was a really good night. had about 15 people at our tea party. ill get a flickr feed going some time. soon as i get a cable or card reader for my camera. hrm. speaking of that i might go do that now. ok maby not. right now im going to re-full my tea. (dong suh brown rice green)

goals for the week:

  • finish my study on pauls letter to the Romans.
  • card reader

oh man, just remembered that Debs wants to have aqua jogging tonite instead of running. im going to have to find my togs lol. that will be fun. since we’re in a storm as well it might be a more practicle idea.