Archive for the 'vegan' Category

nut milk, not so good.

October 24, 2007

lol ok so first attempt rule is being applyed here. the quote milk quote was _not so good_.

but at least we’ve learnt lots. a few lessons are listed here for future refrence:

  • get broken nuts or even better, buy powder. That way there is no skins on them and that will greatly influence the color of your milk in a positive way. I can tell you from experience no one wants to drink brown milk. and second, no one wants to drink lumpy milk, see point 4.
  • be very careful when adding your choice of sweetener. especially if you chose molasses. add it by taste slowly. do not just chunk in a few table spoons. _do not do that_
  • make sure you have all the ingredients, each thing is normally there for a reason. eg: next point.
  • follow all the instructions. do not skip a part, at least not on your first attempt and think you will know what it will turn out like. i cook a bit, i guessed, i was wrong. you definatly need to filter the ‘milk’ through a filtering device when it is finished.

im sure there was other things, but at least we have a good starting point for next time.

nut milk - take one

ahhh its not from milk.

October 11, 2007

ok. totally figured it out. well, not totally of course, but lots. nut butter is not from nut milk being butterifiyed! *gasp* its just totally blended nuts!! i kid you not. since they seem to have lots of oil in them, they become butterifiyed upon blending. how simple is that.

although the milking of nuts of possible from some style of nut crushing, all articles i came across pointed to a nut milking machine. which, aside from being a little weird, is a little more out of the way.

i might need to experiment with this whole idea.

**Update: WOAH!! read the milk recipe here at the bottom. imagine an eggnog type thing. this is going to be an exciting week.

**Update: attempt1

3 day vegan and tea.

October 7, 2007

awesome! this is officially day three!! i have learnt a good many things this vegan journey. the biggest would be all the foods that are non vegan. which, just on a side note, is like most of them. each of my first days there was one thing that disqualified myself form the full success title. thus, on sunday before the vege market shopping, my flatmates took me to the organic shop. (the one by chafers newworld) and i managed to get some pasta and bread, aswell as some egg replacer. oh oh, we did get some soymilk on saturday after frisbee. choclate, vanilla and a couple of normals. umm, its so good. so good. (thanks again baliwhat)

oh man, had an awesome tea party on sunday after blueprint. oh on that note. blueprint was awesome last night too. met Anthony Walton, and i think it was his brother, who was speaking. Was about Grace. had a little clip from Les Mis, and a totally spoiler if you hadnt seen the movie 😛 was a really good night. had about 15 people at our tea party. ill get a flickr feed going some time. soon as i get a cable or card reader for my camera. hrm. speaking of that i might go do that now. ok maby not. right now im going to re-full my tea. (dong suh brown rice green)

goals for the week:

  • finish my study on pauls letter to the Romans.
  • card reader

oh man, just remembered that Debs wants to have aqua jogging tonite instead of running. im going to have to find my togs lol. that will be fun. since we’re in a storm as well it might be a more practicle idea.

choclate milk, gets you every time

October 3, 2007

gah! damn choclate milk. had a glass last night while watching naruto. got half way through it before i realised!! this is going to take me a while to get used to. i almost ate some chocolate too. each time though, im going to make an effort to find a new food that i could eat instead. I think im going to go for fruit juice instead. to make an effort to get those small concentrate boxes of juice that you used to drink when you were a kid. hrm… although that does sound quite average compared to a good tea. but then again juice, in balance, will be quite dietary beneficial. ahh, im sure it will work out some how. we really need to go shopping to get some cumin and other stuff. oh, speaking of that, were maby going to try to start cooking a different type of food more often. since normally we do a curry semi stew type deal with rice. when i think of that though, our meals sometimes deteriorate down to ‘just chuck it all in and cook it’ kind of approach. i think we need more structural diversity. something to consider anyway. oh by the way, sorry if anyone actually read any of this hoping for something interesting. extreme.