Archive for the 'christmas' Category

boxing day

December 26, 2007

ok, so on Christmas day i let my sister use my camera to take some photos etc. turns out i didnt tell her not about how careful you have to be around the delete all button.

boxing day home now. mck drove me home last night. got home about 2am. was totally cool. listened to morrissey all the way. vauxhall and i then live at earls court. was really quite cool. just having 2 hrs to chill, talk list listen to amasing music. also picked hana up on the way past from her parents. overall, a very exciting night.

woke up today dinz was home, so we went food shopping and had a banquet and watched a few movies. of which the pic is below. tis a touch hard to distinguish the foods, but trust me, they were great!!

boxing day banquet take 2