Archive for the 'movie' Category

yesterday and a warning

January 24, 2008

ok. first the warning. nobody play this game. it is ridiculously hard. (lvl 83 without juggling)

please take that seriously.

so was at avatar yesterday. went straight from work to the set. got home at 1-2ish. had a few hours sleep then back to work. just got the call for today and have to be on set again at 4. its going to be another long day.

note: jack the ripper – Morrissey. the 4th of the awesome ballads he does that i forgot.

right what was i saying.. oh yes. i got to ride in a helicopter!! soo cool. even though it was crane lifted, it was still pretty amazing.

that is one of the thing i had never done that i wanted too. now i know this isnt a full completion, but hey! its enough to be excited about.

oh man what a week

December 16, 2007

have had a full on week. was quite busy.

it started sadly, with the breaking of lolbattle but then progressed into the fixing of lolbattle and a re-launch. not sure what broek it yet, but have a slight idea.  will try to not do that again!

so as the world drifted by, as the work piled up and dissipated, i sat in my quiet little shell, observing, yearning, existing. existenz.

on weds i went to be an extra on the movie Avatar, was quite cool, my first acting experience. there was about 300 of us, so im not sure if ill get into the movie. although one shot me and matt were standing directly behind Sigourney, so hoping that one will make it in. exciting.

the first day was 17 hours, the second 15ish and the third, saturday, was about 8.

on friday, after finishing at 3.30am, i woke up at 7ish and went to help a good friend move house, then straight to the set aftewards to resume ‘extraing’, which if you are unsure, is a lot of sitting around, eating and drinking coffee. although sounding luxurious, dont be fooled. it was hard work.

few cool things. James Cameron works quite hard.  Everyone on the set had amazing respect for him, he had a vision and went for it. He was nice to all of us, stopped to fill us in on whats happening and set the scene multiple times.

My favourite tho: Stephen.

very awesome actor. might be a little bias here, since he was the one doing most of the stuff we were watching, but still, that guy is cool. some awesome ad libbing and a sense of humor to boot. was very entertaining watching him work.

oh man, i really need to do some work. today is just slipping away.