Posts Tagged ‘gmail’

no more libgmailer.php and the Gmail Contacts Data API?

September 30, 2008

dun dun duuuuuuuunnrrrrr —>

and why did i not find this months ago??

argh! this is going to make life soo much eaiser.

I did some work!! – sfContactGrabberPlugin

July 23, 2008

Today I released a plugin for Symfony, well, more of an update for an old broken one.

It feels quite good to finally give something back. You can find it here

It basically add’s those forms that you see all over the place on social networking esk type sites that allow you to grab contacts from your accounts in other places.

At the moment it’s only working for gmail and yahoo, but I might end up adding some more functionally in the future, all depending on how the current project im working on pans out.