food report 1 – thai

October 25, 2007

george and i went to the underground food court at the end of willis st, by the start of lamdon key(central wellington). i had the thai, from the place called… umm.. something thai anyways (i must remember to remember next time). it was amasing. i had a potato and pumpkin curry thing with beans and a bean curd and vege thing on rice. topped with crushed kashues and chili flakes. basically it was awesome. oh, 8$ too. the taste was full and almost sweet, including a wide range of flavors, from the crasy soy side thing, to the lovely tofu strip thing etc. what tho, is also a huge component of the greatness of this meal, was the single little thai lady that was working there. all the other places were packed full of people, looking all dour etc. not this lady tho, in the few short minutes we talked we had a quick discussion ranging from the high price of eggplant in the west along with most other veges compared to the east. also how just eating a vege diet made you feel better and more pure (in a sense) etc. all with a friendly dimeanure and smile. let alone getting new rice from the boiler thing for me since the rice up front had some egg in it, without even me asking.

totally recommend.


then a duck touched me.


lunch = success.

2 Responses to “food report 1 – thai”

  1. grg Says:

    i dont really see how a duck can be such a binary experience, surely it is possible to have 1/2 duck encounter?

  2. rekarnar Says:

    hrm.. i have been thinking about this for a while. you are implying the nature of ducks to not be awesome. thus imo when you have an experience with them, it is awesome. or not. it is like not, oh hey me and this duck were chilling and we did this thing… it was average.

    no no my friend. 1/1. ducks pwn. or they dont.

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