Archive for October, 2007

moving house

October 30, 2007

were moving house this week. we got the keys last night. we have basically half of this building. the top right two rooms you can see (3 rightmost windows). there is like 4 rooms and a bathroom upstairs tho, as aswell as a sunroom type thing (that we will make into a computer room). plus a lounge, a dining room and kitchen downstairs. awesome. its in island bay aswell. so like 10 min walk to the beach or a 2 min drive. awesome!

new house

fish water and social blogging.

October 28, 2007

sometimes i say things to gauge or even to entice a response, known or unknown out of people.

take for example the title of this post, and also the first sentence. this because it seems in reference to the fish water comment of the title, which in fact, it is not. it was merely a thinly disguised ruse to fool you into a semi comedical moment.

for while discussing fish water, this very morning, with my flatmate grg on our daily walk to work, i casually snuck out a reference to casual blogging. thus instantly receiving an opposed opinion. alas it happened to be the end of our walk, as out parting point was reached, nevertheless the ‘argument’ is interesting, although maby somewhat futile. as the context in which we both form our ideas is different and hence may not be directly compared. although i do feel you can argue some of the abstract points and so gain a shade of index between both stances.

purpose vs social. are they so different?

ps. the irony is that you just read a post about posts not of this nature, thus the first sentence applied the title, applies to this whole post now. how amusing.

food report 1 – thai

October 25, 2007

george and i went to the underground food court at the end of willis st, by the start of lamdon key(central wellington). i had the thai, from the place called… umm.. something thai anyways (i must remember to remember next time). it was amasing. i had a potato and pumpkin curry thing with beans and a bean curd and vege thing on rice. topped with crushed kashues and chili flakes. basically it was awesome. oh, 8$ too. the taste was full and almost sweet, including a wide range of flavors, from the crasy soy side thing, to the lovely tofu strip thing etc. what tho, is also a huge component of the greatness of this meal, was the single little thai lady that was working there. all the other places were packed full of people, looking all dour etc. not this lady tho, in the few short minutes we talked we had a quick discussion ranging from the high price of eggplant in the west along with most other veges compared to the east. also how just eating a vege diet made you feel better and more pure (in a sense) etc. all with a friendly dimeanure and smile. let alone getting new rice from the boiler thing for me since the rice up front had some egg in it, without even me asking.

totally recommend.


then a duck touched me.


lunch = success.

nut milk, not so good.

October 24, 2007

lol ok so first attempt rule is being applyed here. the quote milk quote was _not so good_.

but at least we’ve learnt lots. a few lessons are listed here for future refrence:

  • get broken nuts or even better, buy powder. That way there is no skins on them and that will greatly influence the color of your milk in a positive way. I can tell you from experience no one wants to drink brown milk. and second, no one wants to drink lumpy milk, see point 4.
  • be very careful when adding your choice of sweetener. especially if you chose molasses. add it by taste slowly. do not just chunk in a few table spoons. _do not do that_
  • make sure you have all the ingredients, each thing is normally there for a reason. eg: next point.
  • follow all the instructions. do not skip a part, at least not on your first attempt and think you will know what it will turn out like. i cook a bit, i guessed, i was wrong. you definatly need to filter the ‘milk’ through a filtering device when it is finished.

im sure there was other things, but at least we have a good starting point for next time.

nut milk - take one


October 24, 2007

this feeling i can sense, i can feel, it is there, words cannot describe it. a greatness, an epic scope. life itself changed. a meanings consequences without knowing the meaning. does it matter? is knowing the question everything? or the scope, the context is it all that is needed?

beauty found in such odd places. the lost and last, the pure and unpretense’d.

who are we to define a system greater than us.

and today

October 24, 2007

had a meeting with a guy from our software dev kinda department. might consider moving there, but its all java. not too sure if thats where i want to go. had a nice coffee and discussed things tho.

good thing i dont really have to decide anything urgently.

in fact, at the moment im having a beer and listing to the smiths.

although i have the sense that im so bored, i really have heaps i could be doing. i do think it is defiantly time for change.

list of things to remember to do:

  • finish spider for pprplane
  • oscommerce template work for sportsworld thing
  • tf2
  • finish reading ‘waking the dead’ so i can move onto the other 3 books i have half read/waiting
  • elevator actionscript
  • life and other awesome stuff. eg living.
  • frameworks study

hrm… that should do it for now ^^ 😉

hot food night

October 18, 2007

event: super hot food

structure: a competition

ok, now that i have your attention. i will state: awesome. this is going to be awesome. im not sure if we will get to have it in our current house, but it will be soon none the less.

the plan is this. to make multi (im thinking about 5 for a good mix of amazing and practical ness) meals, each one being hotter than the last. we have all the bowls in the lounge on the table, and we site around it on the couches. we start with the least, and each take an equal serving. if you cant finish your portion (in the time frame, like 5 mins or watever), you are out, and do not get to progress onto the next dish.

this idea is almost ready to do. i feel it maby could mature a little more. but generally, i think its going to rock.

  • need to decide on the type of food, all the same?
  • the way we will judge the hotness
  • are going be using different chilli or watever in each meal, or just progressively more(which i think is quite boring)
  • need lots of cooking stuff and plates and bowls or watever that all look the same
  • logistics of cooking, shall we have everone round before hand and all cook togther? (it might be cool, if we just get a small group of hardcore people)


October 18, 2007

been talking with my flatemate about St Thomas Aquinas’s ontological argument, in the end he was like ‘oh it was good but it didnt quite convince me, i dont agree but im not sure why’. romans 1:20 man! God does not care if you cannot fully construct a 100% rational argument or not. he says that from his creation he is revealed and apparently enough so that we are without excuse. lol. retort.

the night after

October 16, 2007

it was a real surreal walk into work this morning. have a deadline this morning for a contract. deadline was confirmed yesterday. programming in a language you are unfamiliar with. after 3-4 hours sleep. and a night of solid word. no wind, very sunny. half open eyes. a few birds. a few, not to many, but some. the light. so bright. STILL NOT FINISHED.

and that is all

October 15, 2007
I could see the reflection in the tears
That made their way down Your face
Onto the ground I kneel upon
They form a river that overtakes me
Compassion envelops me

from zao. track one. where blood and fire bring rest.